Questions and Answers To Prepare for DMV Written Driving Test.

We have prepared this set of questions to help you study for your written test. We recommend that you also study the driver’s manual book issued by the Division of Motor Vehicles. If you have any questions concerning these sample questions, please feel free to call our office at,
(973) 914-5551 .

Q. At a flashing amber light you should:

Ans. slow down and proceed with caution.

Q. The number of drinks needed to raise your blood content above legal limits depend on:

Ans. your body weight, the amount you drink and the time element involved.

Q. 1 ½ ounces of 86 proof liquor (shot) contains the same amount of alcohol as:

Ans. 12 ounces of beer or 5 ounces of wine.

Q. If you drink to excess:

Ans. time and only time will permit your body to get rid of the alcohol.

Q. If someone leaves your house drunk:

Ans. you can be involved in a law suit.

Q. Studies show that the greatest number of people arrested for drunk driving had been drinking what kind of alcoholic beverage?

Ans. beer

Q. If your blood alcohol content reaches this level you will be considered driving drunk?

Ans.  .08%

Q. The implied consent law pertains to:

Ans. the breath test

Q. the first offense for refusing to take the breath test is:

Ans. 7 month license suspension.

Q. More than 2 to 4 drinks usually:

Ans. ( ) affects reaction time.
( ) affects coordination.
( ) affects judgment and balance.
(X) all of the above.

Q. If you approach a flashing red light you should:

Ans. stop, then proceed with caution.

Q. How far in advance should you signal before your intended turn?

Ans. at least 100 feet

Q. When a school bus has stopped in front of a When a school bus has stopped in front of a pass from either direction at a speed of no more than:

Ans.  10 MPH

Q. On a roadway that is not divided by a raised On a roadway that is not divided by a raised its flashing red lights on, you must:

Ans.  stop no closer than 25 feet.

Q. If you have no moving violations, NJ allows up to three points be subtracted from your Driving record:

Ans.  one year from the date of your last moving violation.

Q. If a student driver commits a traffic violation, the responsibility will be with:

Ans. both the student and the instructor.

Q. What lane should you be in to make a right turn?

Ans. the right lane

Q. If two cars enter an uncontrolled intersection at the same time:

Ans.  the driver on the left should yield to the driver on the right.

Q. At an uncontrolled intersection, one with no signs or signals, you should:

Ans. reduce speed and be prepared to stop if necessary.

Q. A solid line across an intersection means:

Ans. stop at the intersection behind the line.

Q. It is legal to turn right on red when:

Ans. you make a full stop at the intersection first.

Q. The law allows you to turn right after stopping at a red light unless:

Ans. there is a sign “no turn on red.”

Q. The best way to take a curve is to:

Ans. slow down before entering the curve.

Q. Your vehicle will tend to move in what direction when traveling on a curve?

Ans. in a straight line.

Q. You should expect to see double solid center lines on:

Ans. a winding two lane road.

Q. When driving you should develop good habits such as:

Ans. not staring at an object more than two seconds—
it causes highway hypnosis. (the instructor should explain this in more detail)

Q. The three second rule is used for:

Ans. following distance.

Q. When driving you should stay at least:

Ans. two seconds (or 1 car length per 10 mph) behind the vehicle in front of you to give yourself time to react. (the instructor should explain this in more detail)

Q. What position should your wheels be in when parking on a downhill street with the curb to the right?

Ans. towards the curb

Q. What is your total stopping distance on dry pavement when your car is going 50 mph?

Ans. 247 feet

Q. High beam lights are used for:

Ans. open country driving or going over 40 mph on an unlit roadway.

Q. You should use your parking lights when:

Ans. parking.

Q. When on the side of the road (on a dirt shoulder) returning to the roadway you should:

Ans.  slow down and turn your wheel slightly to re-enter the slow down and turn your wheel slightly to re-enter the detail)

Q. If you go into a skid:

Ans. take your foot off the gas pedal.

Q. After driving through a deep puddle you should first:

Ans. test your brakes.

Q. If your brakes suddenly give out you should:

Ans. pump the brakes, reduce speed by shifting to a lower Gear and use your parking brake. If a crash is unavoidable, try to sideswipe something flexible that will give way,(i.e. bushes, etc.).

Q. Hydroplaning is a driving condition where tires lose traction on a wet road and float on a layer of water or slush. When this happens you should:

Ans. slow down. (the instructor should explain this in more detail)

Q. If you experience a blowout while driving you should:

Ans. gradually slow down.

Q. During the first few minutes of rainfall:

Ans. streets are the most slippery.

Q. You are driving and suddenly your car goes into a skid, you should:

Ans. turn the car in the direction that the rear of the car is skidding.

Q. Use of your seat belt may:

Ans. ( ) keep you from being thrown out of the vehicle.
( ) keep you from being thrown out of the vehicle. or windshield.
( ) keep you securely positioned in the seat to recover control of the car.
(X) all of the above.

Q. You may pass on the right when:

Ans. the driver ahead of you is turning left and there is a proper lane on the right.

Q. If you miss an exit on an expressway you should:

Ans. go on to the next exit.

Q. If you come to a four-way stop at the same time as another driver you must:

Ans. yield to the driver on the right.

Q. When driving at night be sure that you can stop:

Ans. within the distance you can see ahead.

Q. You can drive a moped if you are 15 years old or Older and have a:

Ans. ( ) motorcycle license.
( ) moped license.
( ) driver’s license.
(X) all of the above.

Q. What can impair your driving?

Ans. ( ) tranquilizers.
( ) cold pills.
( ) prescription drugs.
(X) all of the above.

Q. If your license is suspended and you are in an accident that causes injury, the penalty can be:

Ans. ( ) a fine by a judge.
( ) further suspension of your license.
( ) mandatory jail term of 45 days.
(X) all of the above.

Q. In order to buy a permit, a 16 year old must:

Ans.  be with a commercial driving instructor or enroll in a high school behind-the-wheel course.

Q. When your blood alcohol content reaches .05% your chances of getting involved in a serious or Fatal accident will increase:

Ans. 2 times. (If the alcohol content is .10% the chances are 6 times as good and if the alcohol content is .15% the chances are 25% as good).

Q. How many points can you accumulate before you receive a proposed license suspension?

Ans. 12 – 14 points.

Q. The type of vehicle an articulated license allows you to drive is:

Ans.  a vehicle over 18,000 pounds with a coupling device.

Q. An agricultural license is used for:

Ans. agricultural/farming purposes. (Granted to persons who are between 16-17 years old for use only during daylight hours).

Q. At the time of your road test you must present:

Ans. ( ) a valid vehicle registration.
( ) a valid learner’s permit.
( ) a valid insurance ID card.
(X) all of the above.

Q. The best way to reduce your chances of having an alcohol related accident is to:

Ans. not drive after drinking.

Q. Signals should be used:

Ans. ( ) when changing lanes.
( ) when turning.
( ) when slowing down.
(X) all of the above.

Q. Driving under the influence of alcohol refers to:

Ans. driving when your judgment or senses are impaired.

Q. You should always yield to:

Ans. emergency vehicles, pedestrians and other cars in the intersection.

Q. When approaching a railroad crossing with the flashing lights on:

Ans. stop no closer than 15 feet and no further than 50 feet.

Q. How close to a crosswalk are you permitted to park?

Ans. 25 feet.

Q. What do you do at a steady amber light?

Ans.  What do you do at a steady amber light?

Q. How close to a fire hydrant are you permitted to park?

Ans. 10 feet.

Q. At a flashing amber light you should:

Ans. slow down and proceed with caution.

Q. During what period of time are studded snow tires legal?

Ans. November 15 thru April 1.

Q. How close to a stop sign are you permitted to park?

Ans. 50 feet.

Q. What is a probationary license?

Ans. If you’ve never been licensed in this or any other state you are put on probation for 2 years.

Q. What happens if you get 4 points while having a probationary license?

Ans. you must attend Motor Vehicles driver improvement school.

Q. What is a habitual offender?

Ans. What is a habitual offender? in a 3 year period of time.

Q. If you have a license from another state and move into NJ how long do you have to apply for a NJ drivers license?

Ans. 60 days.

Q. A 16 year old who has completed the 6 hours of behind the wheel can practice driving:

Ans. 5am-11pm with a NJ licensed driver of 21 or older & 3 years or more.

Q. When using a car for a road test:

Ans. there must be room in the front seat for the examiner and they must be able to reach the brakes. (the instructor should explain this question in more detail).

Q. If your license is lost or stolen to whom do you report this information immediately?

Ans. the police.

Q. When you move from another state to NJ you must have your car inspected:

Ans. within 14 days of registering the car.

Q. When you buy a used car it must be inspected within:

Ans. 14 days of registering the car.

Q. If you are arrested for drunk driving the conviction rate is:

Ans. 96%

Q. When you get new license plates you must take the old ones:

Ans. and turn them in to Motor Vehicles, otherwise your license can be suspended.

Q. In city driving you should look at least:

Ans. 12 seconds down the road.

Q. The stopping distance at 40 mph is:

Ans. 167 feet.

Q. go with care when safe.

Ans. 102 feet.

Q. At a green light you should:

Ans. go with care when safe.

Q. When your blood alcohol content reaches .05%:

Ans.  you may or may not be under the influence.

Q. If you move to NJ from another state, how long do you have to register your car?

Ans. 60 days.

Q. A change of address must be reported to Motor Vehicles within:

Ans. 1 week.

Q. A change of name must be reported to Motor Vehicles within:

Ans.  2 weeks.

Q. Auto insurance required in NJ is:

Ans. liability.

Q. Once your license is restored after a license suspension:

Ans. Once your license is restored after a license suspension:

Q. If you are stopped for a motor vehicle violation and are not wearing your seat belt the penalty is:

Ans.  $20 fine plus court costs.

Q. The lane to get on a highway is called:

Ans. the acceleration lane.

Q. The lane used to get off a highway is called:

Ans. the deceleration lane.

Q. How far from the entrance to a fire station are A. 102 feet. you permitted to park?

Ans. 20 feet when on the same side of the road as the 20 feet when on the same side of the road as the the road.

Q. How do you “talk” to other drivers?

Ans. signals, horn & hand gestures

Q. When someone is passing you:

Ans.  slow down to help the other driver pass you.

Q. If you are angry or excited:

Ans. give yourself time to calm down before driving.

Q. When parking on an uphill street with the curb to the right, your wheels should be turned:

Ans. towards the roadway.


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